Sadly I must report that the Central Florida Tuesday evening 
net on 50.4 MHz AM has migrated to SSB.

Perhaps I can help revive AM in this area with some 
other guys if life slows down a little for me.

Does anyone know if the DC AREA 6m AM net is still 
going? I think it started over 40 years ago. The last that
I heard they were still running that net! I think it may 
possibly be on Sundays.

73 de AF4K, Bry

> I know not too many folks are in the Western NC or SC
> area, but we have had a nice net going on for a few
> years now on 50.4 Mhz AM, starting at 8 PM on
> Tuesdays.  Besides a couple of more modern rigs, alot
> of classics are still radiating.  Benton Harbor
> Lunchboxes, Ameco TX62's, Clegg, to mention a few. 
> Have not had much luck migrating the group to 2 meters
> yet though.  One thing VHF nets prove though, is why
> repeaters were invented.  You could wear out a couple
> rotors trying to work everybody on one evenings net.
> Charlie, W4MEC in NC
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