In my earlier post, I mentioned a station on 3885 that was using a 2e26 rig 
despite all of the qrm.

After 37 years as an active ham, plus over 3 years as a mostly ham band swl 
prior to that, I get excited whenever I hear an older rig on the air that I 
have not heard of before.

Last night was one of those rare occurrences. The 2e26 rig I heard was a 
Subraco transmitter.

The only internet references I've found are to a higher power 80 - 10 meter 
transmitter, and to a 30 watt 10/11 meter mobile rig. Of course, that was 30 
watts input.

I didn't get the model number of the one I heard, but the audio sounded 
good, especially for 10 watts of carrier on a crowded frequency.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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