No problem Brian. In fact I need to order another crystal from you. My purpose was to make sure members of the group are aware of the long-established DX window from 3789 to 3800. It is officially 3790 to 3800, but has drifted down an extra kHz in the past few years (those DXers are are real bandwidth hogs -- a whopping 11 kHz for all of them).

For those interested, the window exists because for many years countries like Australia had limited phone capability in the U.S. phone band. In Australia's case, I believe it was only from 3795 to 3800. With the expansion of the U.S. phone band, that may eventually start changing. However, since a lot of DX on 80M is right at the noise level, it is nice to have a small window that is relatively free of rag-chewing and other non-DX related activity. Also, as we all know, the amount of force required to move a group of hams is very large.

I have heard talk of attempting NA to Eu AM QSOs in the window. I don't have any problem with this. DX is DX, no matter what mode is used. I believe N7UA, with his 80M, 6 element wire yagi, is planning on trying AM with some Eu stations later this winter. I hope to either have my Johnson Kilowatt fixed or my 20V-2 conversion completed by then so that I can join in.

Clay  W7CE

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

Sorry Clay - I cannot grant your wish.

DX stations all ove rthe world buy crystals from me.
Besides I only have ONE crystal on 3790 kHz.
Perhaps sanctions would work? (grin!)

As an active AMer and 75M DXer, I request that you please not offer crystals within 10 KHz of the 75M DX window which is from 3789 to 3800. Its a very small window and many of the signals there are very weak. We know how much we hate it when SSB QSOs start up on top of our QSOs. Let's not do the same to the one portion of 75M where most of the operators are gentlemen who will
actually stand by so someone else can work a new country.

Clay  W7CE

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Phone band expansion

> From:           Donald Chester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Once the expansion goes into effect, we should immediately commence AM
>> activity on the new frequencies, including the 3600-3700 kc/s Extra
>> segment.
> For those who would like them, I can offer FT243 crystals
> on the following lower frequencies:
> 3615, 3645, 3655, 3686, 3700 kHz
> 3702, 3703, 3705, 3721, 3790 kHz
> 3800, 3805, 3810, 3816.8, 3820 kHz
> 3825, 3830, 3837, 3840 kHz
> Brian, AF4K
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