I'm going to pick up a Gates BC-1H in November.  Does anyone know the 
dimensions and weight for this transmitter?  I've moved two other broadcast 
transmitters (both Collins), but I've heard that this transmitter may be a 
lot heavier, so I want to be prepared with the correct moving equipment.

Thanks and 73,
Clay  W7CE 

The BC1 H is close to the size of the T and G will fit through a door with
hinges off, weight appx 900 LB, Take off all the outside panels, and heavy
trans (3), makes it much easer to move
My BC1G I put upstairs in my home, I used a fire truck to fly it in through
the upstairs balcony.
Have pictures if interested.
That was easy compared to moving my RCA BTA5F 18 feet long 10,000 lbs

Brad KB7FQR 

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