Running a thoriated tungsten filament tube at too low filament voltage wil shorten the life of the tube more than running it at too high voltage. The manufacturers say keep it within +/- 5% for optimum tube life.

It can safely be run at slightly reduced voltage as long as there is NO reduction in the peak emission during normal operating conditions. If the filament voltage is reduced enough to starve the electron stream, this will destroy the molecules-thick coating of thorium on the surface of the tungsten filament and the tube will go flat. In an effort to prolong tube life, some broadcast engineers reduce voltage until a reduction in peak output is just barely noticed, then the voltage is slightly increased beyond the point that restores full peak emission. But this requires very careful monitoring of both filament voltage and peak output.

A weak tube may be brought brought back up to full output for a limited period by increasing filament voltage above normal. This is not recommended for a good tube.

RCA says it's ok to reduce the filament voltage to 80% normal during STAND-BY periods (zero cathode current).

Don k4kyv

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