Do any of ya'll own a Tempo One transceiver or have any of you had 
experience with one?  I am playing around with one and I don't know 
enough about it to know if it's working properly or not.  My concern is 
the ALC position on the meter switch.  The meter works beautifully, but 
when in the ALC position the needle moves to the right and operates back 
to the left when audio is applied.  Is this normal or do I have yet 
another backwards working meter?

Thanks for any advice.


Hi Rick,

I am the owner of three of the above and have had the same problem with all of 
them. Although, a wonderfull radio the dual pot for MIC GAIN and CARRIER is a 
piece of junk. I have tried cleaning then to no avail. It is a 10K and 20K 
combination which may be hard to find, especially one that fits into the tiny 
space which the cheap original occupies. 

When you try to adjust the carrier or mic. gain you will find the needle doing 
all sorts of acrobatics. I have replaced one of mine with a 10K, 10K 
combination and with the right resistor you will be in fine business. Mouser 
carries them and they can occasionally be found on eBAY. Just make sure it is 
short enough to fit the space as the band switch sprocket and chain is right 
behind the pot.

I hope that helps.

Pieter VE1PPG
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