The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was purest treachery. And it remains a
sad reflection on the state of human affairs that the best way to keep the
peace is to be prepared for war.

But we should also be alert to the fact that the USA's management of foreign
relations--short of war--was in 1941--and continues to this day--to be

Our foreign relations stance on December 6, 1941 was disgraceful and
contradictory. We supported Asian colonial empires of Great Britain, France
and the Netherlands, but we would not support the empire-building of Japan
in Manchukuo. To Japan, our foreign policy at that time looked purely
racist--we appeared to be supporting white domination in Asia.

In the Western hemisphere we told people that we would defend the
hemisphere--through the Monroe doctrine--against all comers. But at the same
time, we thought it was fine for our western white friends to go
a-plundering in Eastern hemisphere. Japan just wanted a piece of the pie.
When we wouldn't let the playing field be level for them side by side with
the British, French and Dutch, they thought they had no choice but to take
their slice through military action. Our foreign policy backed Japan into a
corner, spit in their face with our oil embargo, and then said "now, what
are you going to do?" And then we were surprised when they did what cornered
animals do.

Worse, we stood up against Japan in Manchukuo because we thought Chaing Kai
Chek could beat Mao and the communists in China and we wanted Manchukuo to
be part of Chaing's democratic China. Unfortunately, it turned out that
Chaing was a corrupt, ineffective warlord and Mao took China communist.
Japan could have been and should have been our bulwark against communism in
Asia. Japan was fiercely anti-communist. It remains one of the most
interesting "what-if" questions of the WWII-era whether Mao could ever have
won in China if there had been a strong Japan occupying Manchukuo. Of
course, Roosevelt did not believe in the Communist threat and only saw the
writing on the wall too late--right before his death.

Anyway, my only point is that our foreign policy has never been far-sighted
enough to prevent wars and secure desirable international positions for us
through a carefully-crafted vision. We just blow with the wind and change
direction every four or eight years. True then and true now.

73, Don Merz, N3RHT

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of WØQFC
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 9:51 AM
To: Mark Foltarz; t 368;;
Subject: [AMRadio] Re: [Boatanchors] A moment, a day,a passing of a


Thank you for the link to the Yahoo News item.

As I read the article another tear came to my eye as it did when I visited
the Arizona in 1976. While standing on the Memorial my wife asked me "Whats
the matter?", as she noticed a tear on my cheek. I told her how sad and
lucky I felt - sad for my fellow sailors - lucky because (Even though it had
been 22 years since I was in the Navy) I came through the Korean Conflict
It is almost impossible to describe the feelings I had on the Memorial.
PLEASE, let us NEVER forget and STAY ALERT.


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