Hi Brett,

OK, I've never run one before, this is my first 'multi' band. But I'll clue you on what I found... I've got one half of the dipole at about level. The other side drops down... not like an inverted V, but a slight slope. The slope side also has a slight dogleg. The entire antenna is more of an L than a dipole, and I think it ended up at about 123' 9". It is made with insulated stranded #14 copper clad steel wire. (no stretching) Since I knew it would be WAY out of resonance, I used real porcelain end insulators and a one foot glass insulator in the middle. I didn't want to be melting any insulators while on AM.

I use RG 8 coax. On AM, if I use one of my Apache's or a DX-100 there are no coax cooking or heating problems. I am nearly finished restoring a home brew 813 modulated by a pair of 811's. While doing full power on the air tests the coax gets warm on the bands above 40 meters --- that's not good. But I don't have time to do anything about it yet. I imagine I'll have to
 switch the garage shack (where the home brew is) to open wire feeder, but???

My modern rigs, Icom's, or vintage SSB gear doesn't even begin to heat up the coax on SSB or CW, even if I use my ancient Warrior amp. I've never checked it on PSK, but I doubt it would get hot.

I use the 2060 and have to admit, it's a great tuner. It is kind of a pain having another stage to tune, but the antenna sure works great for everything from chewin the rag local on 75 and 160 to DX.

73 & Merry Christmas

Craig K6QI

At 05:40 AM 12/11/2006, you wrote:
Thanks for the info.
What power do you run?

I might be able to get 110 feet, maybe a little more
if I put the wire in the tree branches...insulated wire?

I have found that the RG214 coax can get real hot if I run
into an antenna that is not resonant...

I have the heath 2060a, although I hate to use it.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Carter
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 11:33 PM
> To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service
> Subject: RE: Re: [AMRadio] Antenna's..
> I had one of the Alpha Delta 40 & 80 and a multi band Alpha
> Delta dipoles. With a tuner, the multi band was one of the
> best dummy loads I've ever had. The 80 / 40  trapless dipole
> was 'eh' on 80, ok on 40. I now have a 125' dipole, bent all
> over he!! and gone, and a Heath SA 2060 tuner with RG 8.
> Works great on every band I try it on, including 6 and 2! I
> would put up the longest wire I could fit, get a BAT (big
> 'butted' tuner) and have fun. 73 Craig K6QI

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