As Brett (N2DTS) and Gary (K4FMX) both stated, the 813 should not run with 
color on the plate, as they use a graphite anode. RCA stated this in their 
handbooks, "Plate shows no color when tube is operated at maximum CCS or ICAS 
ratings." 833A datasheet says "Plate shows and orange-red color when tube is 
operated a maximunm CCS or ICAS ratings."

Taking an 813 into the cherry is not a good idea if you want the tube to last 
very long. I believe that we are all in agreement on that manufacturers 
recommendation, now. 

This is the first i have ever heard that you want anode to be glowing in order 
to get better gettering action  (see below). I would be interested in knowing 
the source of this info. Normally in the big tubes I work with (most are 100 - 
1000 kW range) we get the most outgassing when we overwork tubes, or run them 
at higher duty factor. This advice would seem to be limited to medium sized 
tubes with zirc getters then, as in the large tubes I am speaking of use a cold 
chemical getter inside a glass cartridge which is broken open during the final 
exhaust steps of manufacturing. Heat has no affect on the getter in them. Also, 
we use some large Eimac tubes like 4CW100,000D and 4CW250,000B and these have 
what I believe is a zirc getter 'flap' or 'hat'  mounted along the filament 
mount, which is heated only by the filament power. On these tubes, it is best 
to allow 15 minutes of filament only, no HV, when they have been sitting a 
while. Again, the getter works best with only filament
and full power doesn't enhance it. 

"Zirconium getters best at about 1000 degrees C, this why large metal anode
transmitting tubes like the 4-400A, 4-1000A, and 3-500 must be operated with
a dull red to red anode color.  Zirconium also releases some gasses and
absorbs other gasses at various temperatures.  The varying temperature
across the length of the anode (and as the anode heats and cools) allows the
gettering agent to absorb a wide variety of gasses.

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