Correct John - you  have seen through the whole stinking, 
disgusting mess..  I was a loyal League member for 
several decades. However, they have gone from bad to 
worse up there.

It is a shame, and they have done a LOT to ruin amateur radio.

I dropped my membership a year or two ago, I am less 
active in amateur radio than I used to be, and the actions 
of ARRL and some other misguided groups are the reason.

I still enjoy a good QSO now and then, but the amateur service
is dying a painful death.

> Tony, you are absolutely correct. The ARRL is a
> POLITICALLY closed organization. When one looks at the
> progression of Presidents from SCM, to Directors, to
> Vice President and then on to President, it is obvious
> that they are handpicked to get into the line of
> progression by the "shrimpy" little CEO. If you speak
> up, you don't stay long and don't go anywhere in the
> ARRL organization. If you don't sell your soul to the
> devil, you will never even get an appointed position.
> You must learn to get your prayer rug and bow to
> Newington and learn to chant "mighty is the ARRL and
> its' CEO, who is all seeing and all knowing".
> I have spoken by positions to ex-President Haynie and
> the local SCM via email as well as the present
> President, when he was a VP, and each time has
> resulted in  HOSTILE DENIALS and attacks upon me.
> I met the CEO of ARRL at the National Convention in
> the 80s, in Baton Rouge, when he was an "anointed" VP
> and I never met a more "aloof, rude, and egotistical
> so-called "servant of the people".
> I dropped my life time membership before completing
> payment of the entire amount it. I now take QST only
> to learn where the hamfests are going to be. I usually
> read a QST in less than five minutes and it wouldn't
> take that long if I didn't look at the advertisements.
> We all know that the advertisers greatly influence the
> political positions of ARRL.
> The ARRL stages skirmishes with the FCC allegedly for
> we Amateurs to appear that they are fighting for us,
> but those skirmishes are merely to make us think that
> they are really fighting for no code and other issues
> and all the time the FCC and ARRL are "plea
> bargaining"  a trade off so they both get what best
> serves the interest and agenda of each. Folks hold up
> while I get my fire suit on....Merry Christmas and
> Happy New Year!!! 73, John, K5PGW

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