Don, K4KYV, you are so correct. I want to tell you
personally that your words of wisdom are probably the
most intelligent and meaningful I have heard on this

You are an outstanding AM station and a good example
for all of us. 

As a member of AMI, I TRY to check into nets on 3.885
such as Gulf Coast Mullet Society net and the
Southeast AM Radio Club net. I am located in Louisiana
and most of the time the 3.885 nets are severely
interfered with or covered up by QSOs,
unintentionally, I am sure, by stations on 3.880
located West and North of the State of Louisiana. AM
operation in Louisiana doesn't seem to be as utilized
as in surrounding states; therefore, I check into nets
East of Louisiana. I have kilowatt rigs, but mostly
use Rangers, Morrows Valiants and Apaches. This past
Thursday night was "low power night" on the Gulf Coast
Mullet Society Net for stations MAINLY running 50
watts or less. Needless to say, I didn't make it and
due to interference from 3.880 I only heard net
control when the louder stations on 3.880 turned it
over to another station. The 3.880 stations North and
West of me were in a QSO "in the window". They do it
every evening so the window is "wiped out" for me.

I think the nets should move or the QSOs should move
to allow everyone the opportunity to pursue

I agree with you that the AM window is too narrow for
powerful QSOs and nets to co-exist without much

I fully support your position, and it doesn't matter
to me whether the nets adjust or the QSOs adjust
however there will still only be width enough for two
or three QSOs in the window if all are running enough
power to co-exist.

This is not a complaint, but an observation from
Louisiana that supports your band usage ideas.

Thanks for a wonderful post, Don. 73, John, K5PGW     

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