It's been a while since I fiddled with the 610-E, but it seems I remember they had all 115 vac primaries instead of the 100 volts as does GE. I could be wrong, I'd have to pull the schematic.


D. Chester wrote:

The idea is to be able to compensate for low line voltage. The filament xfmrs are fed from the 115 volt line through a rheostat to 100 volt primary. In case of low line voltage just decrease the resistance in the rheostat and you can bring filament voltage, which is somewhat critical with thoriated tungsten filaments, up to the nominal value with line voltages as low as 100 volts. If the line voltage is higher that 100v, just add resistance in the line and bring it back down to 100v, which furnishes the correct filament voltage to the tubes.

This is fairly common practice with many transmitters. The BC-610E has the same arrangement.

If you can't find the correct transformer, the primary could be wired in ahead of the rheostat directly to the a.c. mains voltage, but you will lose the variable filament voltage control for that tube.


Don k4kyv

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