On 4/3/07, A.R.S. -  W5AMI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Get a video camera and video/audio your rx for 30 minutes with you in
the room and get it recorded Don!  There are some 4 landers on 3725
(W5RED is one of them) that do the same thing.  Next time I ask if the
freq. is in use after listening for 20 minutes and he comes on and
says "Ohhhh YES, it is", I'm going to do just that, send it to Riley
If we don't start to do something about it, there is no need us
griping about them either.

I wondered who that was. I don't hear them so well up here most
nights, but they've come in before when I was in QSO and talked right
over us, plenty loud. The remarks they've made lead me to believe they
know full well what they are doing.

The 'dead air' scenario Don describes has happened to me also. As a
result, I no longer ask if the frequency is in use if I've been
listening for an extended period and heard nothing. If it's only a few
minutes, different story, but asking seems to be an invitation for
them to claim the frequency, even if they aren't using it. It's also a
good reason to move around a bit, to keep folks from developing
ownership issues.

The other scenario is a fellow who calls what appears to be every
callsign he knows, asking if they are on the frequency. Maybe he's
reading off QRZ or from an old callbook. I think it's his attempt to
get 'their' frequency and keep it until the others show up. The only
times they succeed is when no one responds to my CQ.

Some 'irregular' regular activity would go a long ways at keeping
folks accustomed to our presence on the bands. By that I mean, being
on regularly, but not following a set pattern of frequency and so on.
I think this is what has helped draw so many folks to AM down below

~ Todd  KA1KAQ
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