Since the band expansion some people have been moving about some. Not nearly as much as I would like to see, but there are places where AM turns up. One of the disadvantages you have in trying to work back into he Central US is the time zone.

You will overlap us from about 8 your time until about 9. Dial around and listen for us. However with the Spring and Summer storms we have hear, you might just find us on SSB, depending on the band propagation and noise level. We only do the SSB thing when conditions are terrible.

I just looked at radar near Galveston, TX and there is a bunch of T storm activity off the South Texas coast. That will bring havoc to us tonight. If it were not for that, the rest of the Central, Western and Southern US looks good. So we would probably be on.

Whatever you do, plan on next Fall and Winter. But in the meantime listen for the 3.870 group along the West Coast. Anyone would be happy to make contact with someone in your territory. I haven't worked Washington on AM since my early days.

73  Jim

Todd comments:

<<A-HA! So *that's* where you've been hiding! The noise has been so bad up this way in the 3870-3885 swath that I figured I just wasn't hearing you
guys anymore. Brian was down on 3725 or 30 one night when
I came on late, it was the strongest and clearest I'd heard him. The old 'window' is pretty much unusable here most nights due to the noise, jamming, band changes and so on. Weekend mornings and afternoons are great, but once
it starts getting dark....>>

I think the point has been made. I assume the AM community is a friendly group. It would be nice to know where and when to look for the activity. For 40M the area is not very larg. byt for 80/75 thiereis a lot of space to

Bob Macklin
Near Seattle, Wa

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