Don, you and several others I can think of could do a petition on this topic. Want suggestions for help? I would support it as would many others here and on other boards.


The biggest problem I see is that the FCC would have to admit that they were in error with the original p.e.p. ruling. Government agencies don't like to do that. And it doesn't matter which party is in power. I watched the FCC through the Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I and Clinton administrations. Didn't see one iota of difference in FCC behaviour during the entire period.

The FCC claimed they would be put to a severe hardship to write the power output rules in such a way as to maintain the original AM power limit. But they did exactly that with the CB rules. They could have made a similar ruling with amateur radio power. 750 watts carrier output for AM, CW, FM, RTTY and other carrier modes. 1500 watts p.e.p. for SSB and other carrierless modes.

One problem now would be that to go to that power limit definition, would cause CW, RTTY and FM to lose privileges. Under the one-size-fits-all approach railroaded through under Johnston, they doubled the historic power level for those modes, even though CW probably needed a power increase least of all.


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