Went to the only good hamfest left in these parts on
Sunday. It was the Breezeshooters fest and it turned
out pretty good after starting off slowly. Vendors and
customers seemed to arrive late. I had to leave at
11AM to go to a funeral home, but there was still a
lot of interesting stuff going on there. Weather was
threatening all morning but never got past the
threatening stage. 

I did not set up with my WASH club members because I
knew I was leaving early. Many of the usual local
hamfest stalwarts were missing or maybe arrived after
I left. Bob McCully showed up with his Como truck, as
did the usual AMers who set up in "left field" near
the airport.

Boatanchors seen:

WS #19 Mark II with rack, PS, dogbone and canvas
cover. $40 sold one step ahead of me.
Heathkit Seneca. $25 sold
Various EFJ small matchboxes (unsold I think)
National NC-300 $250 unsold
Hammarlund HQ-129x didn't get price
HRO 5TA1 with coils, PS and speaker, beautiful $475
EFJ Ranger I with nicely restored paint job, $350
KWM 2A with PM-2 and case $850 unsold
KWM2 in nice shape $600 unsold
National doghouse supply $10 sold
Tons of tubes, many sold
Tons of Tek, HP, Wavetek test gear, all unsold I think
PRC 25 with antenna, $200 unsold
Rusty homebrew MOPA with 2 211 tubes, $100 unsold
Clegg 22er didn't get price
Heath Twoer with mic $25 unsold, I think
2 SBE 33's didn't get price unsold I think
Several unspecial Zenith Transoceanics didn't get
A fair number of wooden BCB antiques, nothing rare
that I saw

There was not a lot of parts, though there was some
which sold fairly well. There were some handbooks
around, but most of the usual radio magazines and
literature was absent. The typical Motorola commercial
gear and repeaters was available, plus all the
expected solid state ham gear.

My purchases were as off-the-wall as it comes. I
bought two clamp-on lights and a clamp-on shelf stand
that might be useful. A guy showed up with these big,
beautiful Pelican cases with some foam in them for $25
each and I bought two of them. Not sure what I'll use
them for, but these sell for $3-$400 new and are great
for safe transport of just about anything. I bought
two Clough-Brengle 1934 o'scopes for $20. I hated to
do it. But with original manual and one claimed to be
working, I could not pass them up. The club had been
donated a set of RTTY-related stuff that no one seemed
to want so I picked it up for a $20 donation. It
includes a WE and other brand big loop supplies with
ESU connectors, plus two homebrew RTTY TX interfaces
that are quite sophisticated and very well made. One
is old enough to use only octal tubes. 

And that's the full report as I know it. I was in such
a rush and everyone arrived so slowly as the day wore
on, that I am sure I missed a lot. Anyone care to add

Anyone have a report on the Rochester fest?

73, Don Merz, N3RHT

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