I just hope we encourage some younger folks (like the 20 something who checked in) by not only trying to interest them in AM, but also giving them the kind of deals that got us started. There's nothing wrong with returning the favor of the cheap dx-100, ranger, or art-13 starter rigs so many of us enjoyed back in the day thanks to an OM willing to pass along a bargain to keep AM on the air.

I'm 56, haven't been without an AM rig since 1967...
latest project...bc-610I...
this has been a GREAT thread...

Thanks to all

Warren W1GUD
Tampa Bay

ps- I just finished taking ALL my boatanchors, save a DX-100 and R-388, to higher, air conditioned ground in storage... I figure I took about a thousand pounds of stuff out for hurricane season, living as I do at 9 feet above sea level...

On Jul 24, 2007, at 7:36 PM, ronnie.hull wrote:

Im 53, been on AM since 1968. I have a room full gear needing work. With my job now and family and such I have no time to work on it. I DID manage to
repair my HRO60.. I think.. time will tell LOL

Im awaiting cooler weather, I generally don't get on AM much from May through
September, My shack is just tooo hot

but the work bench is actually clean, all test equipment is accessable and who knows, maybe I will finish the repairs on two rx's, get the homebrew finished, do some mods I want to do to the Globe King, and etc, in time for
the fall AM season..

I took my test in front of the FCC too. Took 3 months to get the friggin
license in the mail!

Ronnie - W5SUM

On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:48:20 -0400, Anthony W. DePrato wrote
Both Bob and Geoff are correct. we are all getting older. i have 6
transmitters setting in the shop waiting for me to get them going.
but work for the past 20 yrs has kept me out of the shop. now at
60.5 yrs i am not working but the past six months has had me
catching up on things the xyl wanted done or needed done at home.
well that list is now down to 3 items so the work shop got cleaned
out so i could get to the benchs last week. now i need to decide
what tx's i want to keep and get up an running and which ones i want
to pass along to another restorer. like most on this list i took my
test in front of the FCC in 62 . took me 3 months after school each
day studying.
i am a pack rat hi hi also. that helps so i have lots of parts along
the two 14ft walls of the shop. yes bob i still have my Heath kit HV
probe and my shorting stick two items i would never let go of. Geoff
is correct about the tests. they teach nothing this day and time. i
taught theory for 15yrs for the local club but fewer and fewer
wanted anything but a tech lis. so i gave up as more and more just
wanted to memorize the answers to the tests. Maybe the answer is
here on the Internet for the new kids? maybe we should start some
kind of theory class here a refresher for us old farts and a
learning chance for those who might like to build. who knows maybe
out there somewhere is a kid that has the bug but just does not know
where to start. i know i read every email on this reflector and have
found that i had forgotten a lot more then i thought i had. thanks
to you guys i have had my mind restarted hi hi.. i know there are a
lot of us out there hoarding parts that someone needs to start or
finish that project. maybe we should start asking if anyone needs
this or that and maybe " i want to build this but how do i start
anyone have any ideals" ?. i for one want to build a tuner for a
 open wire feed ant. have the caps coils and R F amp meter just need
to figure out what type of tuner i need to build. i am going to put
together an off center fed dipole for 160/80mts and i want a good
tuner for it that will handle my Globe Champion 350A or my Valiants.
anyway think you guys for keeping our minds alive and working. God Bless
73 Tony wa4jqs


Since 1962
A1-OP      FISTS  # 10573 SKCC #1227
South Sandwich Island Dxpedition Group

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