There is a group in Louisiana that meets on 3663 several times a week.

I sometimes hear them finishing up just as I get in from work. They are 
generally done by 5 or shortly after. I think they also meet some during the 
morning, but I'm not sure when. Some days they are on ssb.

I also hear Louie out of Arkansas, along with some of the same Louisiana 
bunch on 7160 around mid afternoon on Saturday or Sunday, but not every 

When the 75 meter phone band first expanded, I heard some activity on 3685, 
3710, and 3730. However, I have been battling a very noisy power pole 
lightning arrester since April, so I really can't address whose where down 
there right now.

Hopefully Entergy will make good on their promise to replace the defective 
unit soon, and I'll be able to hear beyond my back fence again in time for 
the fall season.

Mike, K5XU
Jackson, Ms

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