Steve, I don't feel this topic is inappropriate. It is a subject that encompasses Amateur Radio and, more importantly, our operating.

I looked at the recent band plan and am a bit disturbed by how they wish to segment our bands and did not make a specific reference to AM except on 10 meters. What is even more scary is that this may become fodder for someone to petition the FCC to make these changes to our bands. There is a lot of emphasis on QRP and CW in the plan.

Even though the FCC has never followed them, some time back and enforcement letter was mistakenly sent to a couple of SSB stations operating in the low part of 160 meters. Some CW guys filed a complaint that generated the action, even though that action was inappropriate.

These kinds of documents lead some to believe they are gospel and will harass others who do not follow them willingly. I applaud Ron's action which I hope is a wake up call to members of the staff of the ARRL to let them know that the ordinary Amateur, who is not a member, will not stand idly by while they advance an unpopular proposal.


Various wrote:

What chart are you looking at?? On 40 meters,
CW is allowed from 7000 to 7300 KHz
Steve - Please show me where it states this.

I am referring to the new IARU Region 2 bandplan section for 40m. I should not have used the word "allowed" - sorry about that, that was too strong. But my point is that the bandplan expects CW to happen in the lower 30 kHz of 40m, rather than the lower 150 kHz as has been the case for some time.

Perhaps my posts on this topic are unwelcome - I certainly have received a lot of hate-mail and name-calling off-list about it. I guess I haven't learned - I keep getting surprised by hams. I keep mistakenly thinking they are all my friends, or at least open to a discussion.

I apologize if my concern about this has splashed over onto those who don't care, or support the bandplan. I thought it was important enough have a discussion about it before it happens, especially here on a couple mailing lists for people interested in vintage equipment and modes.

I certainly hope it comes to nothing. But I suspect this bandplan will become a source of friction and upset among hams in the years to come.

One final point:  Compare the old IARU Region 2 bandplan from 1988

to the new one

and notice how the current one matches much better how we use the bands now, and how the new one is very different.

Steve WD8DAS

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