Steve, Jack and others have forwarded to me the pithy
note from W9GIG. 

I have sent this reply to him and have posted it on,, and sent it along to others who
are in the mood to fight this kind of treatment.


ARRL Central Division
Director: George Isely, W9GIG


It is regrettable that we have to communicate through
open, unmoderated venues like this, but we would like
to help you comply with your club's rule that you can
exchange thoughts only with people in your region.

Had you been able to expand your ability to assess the
concerns expressed here and elsewhere, you may have
been precluded from making some mistakes and creating
some misperceptions in your message of Nov. 7 to your

Let's start with the biggest concern, that of the
IARU's representation of licensees. No mode or
activity should be given unfounded short shrift in the
manner documented to have taken place against AM in
the Region 2 Plan taking effect in January.

Within that problem, you have a misunderstanding of
how this voluntary band plan has been presented to the

For example, the pre-amble to the plan calls on member
societies to actively lobby their respective
government regulators to have this voluntary scheme
given the force of law. There is no distinction made
among countries that do not presently have a "band
plan" on the regulatory books, and those such as the
U.S. that do.

After the ARRL's stunning defeat in front of the FCC
when it withdrew its Petition to use bandwidth as a
way to segregate the various modes and activities on
the ham bands, there was no acknowledgment by your
club that the opposition expressed to the U.S.
government had been well-founded and convincing.

The common theme among those opposed fell into two
camps, one that believes in the longstanding, popular
system of using mode to organize activities, and
another whose Commenters clearly told you that your
group misunderstood the will of both subscribers to
the ARRL and that of other concerned licensees.

You, too, have failed to take this sentiment into
account, and it is at your peril that you utter a
belligerent, defensive message questioning those with
better sense who have tried to explain to you and your
comrades why a bandwidth-based scheme is unworkable.

Paul Courson

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