Individual mileages may vary on this subject, but a letter, sent via USPS Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, will most likely not result in it being tossed. The ARRL doesn't know if it's a donation, subscription or garbage. Doubtful they will trash anything resembling "business".

We had a local "incident" with an over-zealous OO a few years back (read that Band Cop) when his ARRL appointment sort of went to his head. He hung out on 2m repeaters and sent nasty notes to several hams. Our local club sent a formal business letter, complete with copies of the OO cards and the rebuttals citing Part 97, to the ARRL. Within days, the problem was least for us. And the reply from ARRL was via letter............not e-mail.

I'd recommend a formal letter.

BTW, the thread on the IARU situation has been most welcomed here. Thanks to all who have worked to expose the facts and who provided us with enough info to express our concerns. My comments will go directly to ARRL in Newington as the "chain of command" using the ARRL appointees and elected Directors, Vice-Directors, Section Managers, Assistant Section Managers and various other "officials" is basically an exercise in bureaucracy.

Best 73 de W4MIL
Palm Coast, FL

-----Original Message-----
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service <>
Sent: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 7:51 am
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Subscribe to the ARRL ?

David Knepper wrote:

Steve, read my email.  Perhaps, a mass mailing to the League rather
than the use of email would be more effective.
It is so easy to delete email but at least a letter has to be opened!

It DOES? Generally, if I know what it is, there's no need to go through
it twice.. I toss it, unopened, in the trash.

In today's technologically advanced age of communication, e-mail and fax
are the preferred ways of business communications.

Driving your AM Rig without a scope,
is like driving your car at night, without headlights. (K4KYV)


73 = Best Regards,



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