Brett Gazdzinski wrote:
I got the first one today, and what a mess.
Another ebay special, you pay to much and get crap...

Something to keep you busy on those cold New Jersey nights ;-)

Well, its something to play with, and it will make a good RF driver
to excite the homebrew rigs.

Might be interesting to be able to operate the rig via remote... like up-stairs, or from a UHF talkie through a UHF receiver at the rig...

connect a generic transistor across the discriminator that would forward bias the transistor to ON, and connect the output to the PTT line on the exciter. Rig comes on when signal received.

+/- 5kc of deviation is ~10kc of audio... into an input on the speech-amp.. voila! Remote operation.

You could even possibly use one of those simple phono-oscillators that were floating about a while back, on some simplex frequency, and set the memory channel in the talkie to listen on one freq, and transmit on another.. so, then you've got the little phono-oscillator transmitting the receiver audio to the talkie... and the talkie being heard by the UHF rig in the house, and passed onto an input on the speech amp.

Keying is controlled by the discriminator full-quieting signal...

Technical enough?


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