A.R.S. - WA5AM wrote:
On Dec 15, 2007 6:44 AM, Geoff/W5OMR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Peter Markavage wrote:
Back in the "good old days" real hams didn't need Elmers.

The 'good ol' days'?

We're talking some 40 years ago.  How far back does one have to go to be
in the 'old days'?

Well Geoff, I'd say it's a relative thing.  Your "good old days" may
not be the same as other people.  Sound reasonable?

I wasn't trying to start an argument, Brian...  just stating a fact ;-)

*I* won't even classify the days when *I* got my ticket as 'the good ol' days', as I didn't get licensed until 1984. However, being born in 1958 to a ham that already had 20 years of hamming under his belt, I grew up in what I consider to be the 'good ol' days'.

That was back about the time they finally let 40m be something other than a 'CW Only' band, and included 'fone. It was about the same time hams got access to 15m (after giving up what has often been referred to as 'the best DX band hams ever had - 11m), and 5m got moved to 6m, because of the popularity of television. Channel 1

In my childhood, there were BC-610's, there were DX-100's, there were Heathkit Cheyanne/Commanche twin mobile radios, there were xtal controlled aircraft radios somewhere up in the VHF range - don't remember if it was 6 or 10m... there were SX-28's, RME-somethingoranothers, homebrewed gear up the wahzoo and more parts than any one person could ever shake a stick at.

Driving your AM Rig without a scope, is like driving your car at night, without headlights. (K4KYV)

73 = Best Regards,

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