Hmmmmm, I wonder if MY Crown Vic Interceptor is immune? It is a used Fed Unmarked?
Bob - N0DGN

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Coming Soon -- Microwave Gun That Can Destroy Your Car From 600 Feet Away

A Pasadena, California company has created a device that will destroy a car' s electrical system and stop it dead in its tracks. Just one pulse from this
beam disables cars up to 50 feet away.

How does it work? One beam pulsed in a burst lasting just 50 nanoseconds
disrupts your vehicle's electrical system. The radiation can overload wires,
or damage or upset your car's central microprocessor.

It operates on the same general principle as a microwave oven, but at a 300
megahertz frequency, rather than your standard microwave oven, which
operates at about 2.5 gigahertz. It is said to be non-harmful to humans.

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