I would highly recommend that everyone who subscribes to this list opt for the Digest Mode. That way, you receive your messages in batches, not as a separate e-mail for each message. It causes a LOT less clutter in your in-box and makes keeping up with the list more manageable. I have now switched to the Digest Mode for all my e-mail lists.

When I hit reply, the message is addressed to the entire list. If I want to reply to the sender only, I copy his/her e-mail address from the header of his posting and paste it into the "To:" address box, after highlighting "amradio @mailman.qth.net" and clicking "paste". That automatically deletes the reflector address from the "send" list.

Occasionally I forget to paste in the Subject line and it appears as "Re: AM Digest..." but I try to remember to type or paste in the specific subject line.

I don't want to see the WANTED and FOR SALE messages disappear from the list. I have acquired loads of radio literature and parts from the ads here and from the AM Forum. This is especially true now that the pickings at hamfests is getting slimmer by the year and hamfests are becoming less and less cost-effective for acquiring stuff. I don't regularly check the Boatanchors, QTH.com and other lists, plus I like the idea of having the AM community get the first shot at the goodies before the bottom-eaters get wind of it. Eliminating the buy/sell/trade messages would greatly reduce the usefulness of this list to me, and I am sure for many others.

My biggest gripe is when people reply to a message and re-send the entire string of preceeding messages in the thread along with their current posting. It is a simple matter to highlight and delete everything in the previously-sent text except those lines that specifically refer to the subject at hand.

Don k4kyv
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