Hi Guys,

You'd think that with the "graying" of the Amateur Radio ranks, there'd be
room enough to embrace any and EVERY devotee of the hobby, rather than try
to cut them from the ranks...

I know what I'm talking about: I just came home from what is supposed to be
the BIGGEST Hamfest in Canada...by times I felt like I was attending some
senior citizens' outing. Everyone --- with the exception of yours truly, of
course (tongue pressed FIRMLY against cheek!) has aged, and there were VERY
few "youngsters" hanging about the place...

"United we stand..." correct? We're ALL Hams first, and AM'ers, homebrewers,
WHATEVER, second. Why can't people see this and simply accept the hobby for
the diverse thing that it is...?

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] The QST Doctor

> Pete,
>   I would say then...we need to exert pressure right back and do what is
best for us and our interests.  We do not need to succumb to the so-called
wisdom of other "global " influences. We need to act like leaders and
proponents of freedom of choice and diversity of interests within our hobby.
We need to continue to enjoy our favorite mode (AM) and champion its use by
any who wish to participate.  At the same time, we should encourage clean
operation and quality signals.
>   A lot of this bandwidth conservation baloney is supposedly based on
promotion of "superior" technology, when in fact, it is really selfish
politically-motivated elitism.  Like I said before, there is room for all of
us to enjoy our favorite activity without forcing everyone to comply to
bandwidth restrictions that clearly eliminate or severely restrict some
modes.  I'm sure that there are a large number of radio amateurs that do not
agree with the misplaced agenda of the elitists who seem to feel that if it
isn't the latest technology, it must be abolished.  Gosh, if that were
preferable...maybe we should all just revert to 100% CW for the ultimate in
narrow band communications.  It seems to me that when people are enjoying
something, there always have to be counter forces that continually try to
spoil it for them.  Many, if not most of the complaints against AM are
generated by persons who seem to delight in creating discourse and ruining
other's enjoyment of the hobby.
>  Instead of trying to get along....they want it all their way, or not at
all.  They crowd up close to AM QSOs and then complain about the bandwidth
taken up by AM.  They continually complain about splatter...when often they
are creating more havoc themselves by overdriving "linear" amplifiers and
exceeding the bandwidth of most properly operating AM transmitters.  This
just not acceptable!  Just because these other interests are pushing for
defined bandwidths for all modes, does not mean that we have to agree or
knuckle under to their demands!
>   73,  Jack, W9GT
> Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   It's actually very simple. Many International amateur organizations
> within countries are discussing and/or pushing for defined bandwidths for
> all communication modes. As more and more of these become the law of
> their land, sooner or later, pressure will be exerted for our own
> government to conform. It may take years, but the writing is written on
> the wall.
> Pete, wa2cwa
> http://www.manualman.com
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:09:10 -0700 (PDT) "JACK C. SHUTT"
> writes:
> > Does anybody really understand why there is all of this obsession
> > with band width? We recently had the phone band expanded, activity
> > is noticeably down and these would-be bandwidth cops are still
> > ranting about bandwidth conservation. Why don't they just do their
> > own thing and leave us alone? There is plenty of room for everyone.
> >
> > 73, Jack, W9GT
> >
> > Warren Elly wrote:
> > These are vile people...narrow minded, with the arrl agenda of
> > forcing
> > "their" ham radio down our throats...
> > Warren W1GUD
> > Lifelong AMer
> > Lifetime Member ARRL Disenfranchised by League Policy
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