You said: "The term director in the corporate world is reserved for
individuals of high achievement in business and commerce when we don't
have an officer position for them" Having been in the corporate world
work environment for many years and involved with a number of different
corporations, I can relate to a number of "Directors" that wouldn't fit
your definition. Of course, the big difference between them and ARRL
Directors is that they were salaried management people whereas no ARRL
Director draws any salary.
You said: "Its really a cheap circus with bad clowns and has been so for
a long time.  Have you ever met some of their Regional Directors, hardly
the kind of people who inspire confident and trust. 
I keep my membership active so I can pound on them every week concerning
their gross mismanagement"
As a member with voting privileges, you are in direct control (through
your election vote) as to the type of Director that represents your ARRL
Division. So, if you're unhappy with "some of the Directors", maybe you
should address your concerns to the Division membership that voted them
Pete, wa2cwa
On Thu, 29 May 2008 19:06:07 -0700 W6OM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I stand corrected, thank you sir, I inadvertently used the wrong 
> title, 
> but the observation stands.
> I have met many of the ARRL Directors and remain underwhelmed.    
> The 
> term director in the corporate world (The ARRL is  Corporation) is 
> reserved for individuals of high achievement in business and 
> commerce 
> when we don't have an officer position for them.
> Cheers
> Ron  W6OM
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