On 19th July, Bob wrote:

"...You do realize just how much you have dated yourself? :-)  I miss true
BC AM radio. Cousin Brucie, HOA, Dan Ingram on WABC. Jones
 beach... sigh..."


Hi Bob,

Well, if I have dated myself, I wear it as a badge of honour...honestly!

I know that each passing generation disparages the one succeeding it, but
man-o-man, I have seen the future in the form of kids in our schools to-day,
and I fear for it! I fear for my old age pension, I fear for any feeling of
public spiritness, I fear for the human race. PERIOD.

But I guess we have only ourselves to blame for making these self-centred
inconsiderate loutish doltish privileged oafs the way they are...

Anyway, back to radio...

In these parts, the late 50's / early 60's meant CHUM AM from Toronto, on
1050-KHz. Those were the days of the weekly "CHUM Charts", Jungle Jay
Nelson, Bob McAdory, Al Boliska, and a host of others personalities. I
recall the early 60's laying in bed after lights out, hidden well under the
covers, with my Sony pocket transistorized radio & ear plug, listening to
the sounds of the British invasion!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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