Yes, I remember Paul, Wa5FHP very well.

He once told me that he lived in my home town of Newton, Mississippi for a
brief time doing pipeline work, but that was long before I knew anything
about ham radio, and I think even before he was licensed.

I'm not sure if he is still living or not. I heard many years ago that he
had an encounter of the wrong kind with a 5 KV power supply, but I did hear
him on the air a few times on SSB after I heard that story in the early 80s.

He would often crank up the audio so that you could hear the train pass near
his house. Sometimes he would play comedy records by Dave Gardner, Justin
Wilson, and others in the middle of one of his filibuster transmissions.

I remember one new years eve when he got really pickled. He was pretty much
gone by 7:00 PM. Someone in southeast Texas came into his qso running a
Drake line with a linear in the AM mode. Paul then spent at least 20 minutes
giving that guy a thorough tongue lashing for not running "a real AM

I'm not sure what he was doing to his own rig that night, but the later the
hour, and the more drunk he became, the longer he would ramble, and the
wider his signal became. Seriously, I have never heard an AM signal that
wide before or since, not even during my CB days.

One of the people that Paul talked with almost every night was Gene, WA5ATH,
(SK) in Houston, who had almost as good a signal as K5SWK.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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