"There is a SSB group on 7.288 and hate AM."
Should I arc up 100 kW A3 (+ 12dB in the aerial) on 7290 for a few weeks
to shoo them away?  sorry I mean conduct meaningful oblique equatorial,
trans-Pacific propagation tests during this period of extraordinarily
low solar activity...
Give me a block in UT.
(I'm currently on 7240  1400-1700 UT & 1800-2100 UT bearing 030 from S36
E145 )
Nigel VK3DZ


<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
On Behalf Of Craig C. Heaton
Sent: Wednesday, 26 November 2008 10:37 AM
To: 'Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service'
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] NW AM People?



I hope something works out on 40 meters. Several moons ago, the late
70's & early 80's, 40 meters was the band of choice for low powered rigs
on the east coast. At that time I was living in West By God Virginia and
running a DX100B for the TX and a NC300 for a set of ears. The antenna
was a W8JK, two 40 meter colinears fed 180 degrees out of phase with
open wire, quarter wave spacing between the colinears. Great antenna,
could load it up on 160, 80, 40, 20, & 10 meters with a home brew tuna. 


Those were better days. I'm on a postage stamp lot now and don't have
enough depth for a dipole on 80 meters. So, it's a full wave loop on 80,
fits in the back yard! For 40 meters I have a dipole that runs
diagonally inside the 80 meter loop. There is some interactance between
the two, but how cares, I make a few contacts. 


So here's hoping the 40 thing works out. You might listen for AB7YD out
of Seattle, he runs a DX60 most of the time around 1PM our time. When I
hear him, it's somewhere around 7190-7191. There is a SSB group on 7.288
and hate AM. No one is transmitting on 7.288 but always interfere with a
QSO on 7.290. Just another dead air SSB thing.







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