Eric, earlier this year I went from the FT-847 to the IC-910H and I  
couldn't be happier.  I used it strictly for satellites.

No question about it, the 847 is an excellent radio; in one respect  
it's better than the 910 because it has HF.  However, the receiver on  
the 910H is far superior to the 847's.  I don't have any test  
equipment to justify that comment, other than my own ears.  I  
immediately noticed a big difference in the receiver especially on  
some of the SSB satellites such as AO-7 which is one of the weaker  
ones that I hear.

I haven't had the opportunity to test the 'real' weak signal modes,  
that is meteor scatter - yet; because I'm in the process of putting up  
a wide spaced 2 meter antenna with a preamp which will be used for that.

Otherwise, I am a firm believer that time marches on, and with time,  
the availability of parts for the 847 will decline, and eventually  
it's performance due to age of the components.  Sure there will be  
parts for the 847 for years as it's a very popular radio,  I just like  
to have equipment which is still being produced, in the event it  
requires service.

My 910H has 1.2 GHz built in, and I also have an antenna for that  
band, but I have yet to put it up.

My only problem with the 910H is it's RIT, or should I say, lack of.   
The RIT only covers 1 kHz, and I think that's much too small,  
especially for those stations that don't have computer doppler control  
on the SSB birds.

Also, the 910 has VOX, which is something that Yaesu really dropped  
the ball on by not adding it to the 847.

If you can afford it, I think you will be very happy with it.  The 847  
still commands a very good price on the used market if you decide to  
sell it.

73 de W4AS

On May 29, 2009, at 1:21 AM, Eric Fort wrote:

> For vhf/uhf satellite use I'm seriously thinking about selling off  
> my FT-847
> for money toward a IC-910.  Could some of you on this list comment  
> on how
> these 2 radios compare for satellite (and if you know vhf/uhf weak  
> signal)
> work?  why one radio over the other?  What are your thoughts and  
> experiences
> with the IC-910 ?  Same question for the FT-847.
> Thanks,
> Eric
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