Yeah, I have a very similar set up and happy to send you mine.  I am just
trying to get mine back on the air after storm damage.  If I recall
correctly, I have a 12' cross pole with a horizontally polarized yagis at
each end, each, 20' boom's one 12 ele 144mhzx and the other 17 ele 440.  2
inch aluminum mast and Yaesu 5500 powering it.  I had a 1.2 ghz dish sitting
right in the center.  Photos attached to the following e-mail.

Michael K3MH

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mani VU2WMY
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:11 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Help- Yaesu G 5500 installation

Hello group,

I am planning to install a Yaesu G 5500 rotator with two cross pole  
yagis for UHF and VHF on a 2.5 mts 43 mm Poly-proplene solid rod to  
have a minimum droop and seperation. Also intended to use Orbitron  
with Labjack U12 & piggyback combo. Could some one tell me whether  
this combo would work and the boom length is sufficient.  Though I  
have gone through some basic information about rotator installation,  
suggestions and guidelines from experienced people would be of great  
help and useful to me to incorporate before taking up the work. Could  
some one help me out ! Thanks in advance.

Mani, VU2WMY

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