Um...I think I got the names swapped in my note sections below...sorry
for the mix up :)

John--feel free to contact me offlist for any help with this TNC.

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Re: Paccomm information for PSK-1T


Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Paccomm information for PSK-1T
From: "Mark L. Hammond" <marklhamm...@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 09:42:54 -0400
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;;


Hello John and Greg--

John--I think he means the 8pin DIN, not the mini-DIN....

Greg--contact me off-list and I'll try to help you with the PSK-1T
(even though you apparently outbid me for these items, assuming you
recently obtained them  ;-) )    I've been using it to command
AO-16...     I don't know about the DFM unit, other than I think it is
probably 1200 and 9600 baud capable.

The PSK-1T can, as a stand alone unit, be used for 1200 baud PSK
packet (like AO-16, IO-26, DO-64) and 1200 AFSK packet (like
CalPoly-6).  The DFM TNC doesn't need to be connected to the PSK-1T
for it operate.

If, however, you have a PSK-1 (without the "T"), it requires another
TNC to be interfaced to it (like the DFM, an MFJ, etc.).

My hunch is that the pair was used to add 9600 baud capability to
somebody's satellite station...


Mark N8MH

John -

That is the easy question.
When Gywn Reedy, W1BEL (sk) and others set the specifications for the external
contractor build of the PacComm PSK-1,
they elected to use a common pin assignment/cable (late 1980s/early 1990s) for
the 8-pin mini-DIN (rear panel of PSK-1)
to the RS-232 (DB-9) on your computer.

The cable for usage between an Apple computer and an Apple LaserWriter (serial
I picked up a PacComm PSK-1 in May, replaced a blown capacitor on the 7805
regulator input and
built this serial cable for connection to my personal computer's serial port.
IF PacComm no longer sells this cable (you have to send an e-mail request to
Linda), then any good Apple
dealer or cable supplier should have this cable in their inventory for less
than $25.

From: "johne"
Subject: [amsat-bb]  Paccomm information

Hi I was wondering if some one  has any manuals for the DFM TNC and
the PSK-1 or the the PSK-1+?

To get me going can some one  please send the pin out for the radio 8
pin DIN for the DFM TNC.

Thanks de John K0CQW

Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
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Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]

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