Our mini WAS-pedition to Wilmington Delaware FM29
ended with the 7/12/2009 1305-1316z AO51
pass which was only 11 degrees in Delaware.
In just two days approximately 85 different
callsigns were logged (including 4 with
KD4ZGW who operated from his 18 wheeler in
DN90, EM38, EM29 and EM65).  If you were
thinking that there are only a few regulars
operating the FM birds, this should make you
rethink that notion.  For those that are
chasing grids, there are plenty of new people
showing up in grids that have not been very
active.  Many of the "regulars" were not on
during this period, but if they were the total
could have easily gone over 100 different
callsigns worked.

My operation took place from the Days Inn tree
lawn on Concord Pike just south of Naamans Rd for
western passes and the Concord Mall parking lot,
about 1000' south for eastern passes.  I was
able to make qso's to the west down to about 5
degrees or less.  The AO27 pass on 7/11 at 2041-2051z
was only 7 degrees but it did net 4 stations.  The
QRM was heavy and my signal was not strong enough
to get through the many stations that were operating.
KI6YAA was heard but could not be worked.  But on
Sunday morning, Larry was up at 6am for the AO51
pass (11 degrees for me) and a qso was easily completed.
The early bird still does get the worm.

Several stations including K7WIN and VE6AB mentioned
that Delaware was the last state they needed.  It was
great to be able to give them Delaware.  Between Jim's
(ND9M) operation and this one, Delaware should be very
low on the most wanted State list.

There will be a special QSL card for this operation.
Cards will be sent to every station that was worked.
There is no need to send a card or an SASE to me although
you can if you want to.  I'll put an announcement on the
BB and my QRZ.com page when the cards are mailed.  If you
don't get one and think you worked me, please email me.
All passes have been recorded and can be checked.

Thanks to everyone who worked me.  If you want to have some
fun on the birds, try operating from a grid away from home.
And thanks to all of you who do activate these grids and help
us with our VUCC!

John K8YSE

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