Had a great time with W9YJ-11 balloon launch. Thanks to who ever posted 
the info on the
Amsat BB. I am the station in Fond du Lac, WI. EN53ss that made several 
contacts through the
balloon repeater after it got above 50,000 ft. When it got to about 
98,000 ft. at its peak,
I had my Sat. antenna set at 10degree elevation. Great time.
73 N9RPQ

Greg Beat wrote:
> Yes.
> There were actually 2 balloons with APRS beacons.
> The ATV video package did not make these launches.
> W9YJ-11, was launched first and supposedly reached ~ 100,000 feet
> Landed near the town of Bronson, IL
> I heard stations on the cross-band repeater from Fond DuLac, WI; Toledo, OH
> when it was around 50,000 feet.
> N9QGS-11 was launched second and lost its GPS data stream above 50,000 feet 
> (just East of Royal, IL).
> It did recover its latitude/longitude and direction about 20 minutes later 
> (near Oakwood, IL and I-74), but never its altitude.
> Landed south of Catlin, IL
> I have MS Power Point slides of the OpenAPRS.net APRS tracks for both 
> balloons.
> You can go to OpenAPRS.net, enter the SSID for each balloon and request data 
> over past 2 days.
> That will show you the actual tracks.
> Greg
> w9gb
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "George Henry" <ka3...@att.net>
> Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 1:03 PM
> To: "Greg Beat" <gregory.b...@comcast.net>; <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
> Subject: Re:  SpaceJam 3 (was Re: 2009 BoD Ballot - question)
>> I listened for the W9JY-11 balloon on APRS, and for the 446.025 crossband 
>> repeater, and heard nothing...  did it actually go up yesterday?
>> George, KA3HSW
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Greg Beat" <gregory.b...@comcast.net>
>> To: "Gould Smith" <gould...@bellsouth.net>; <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:38 PM
>> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: 2009 BoD Ballot - question
>>> I have been tracking balloons (SpaceJam-3) today .... so I was just 
>>> starting
>>> to read my USPS mail.   :-)
>>> Thanks for prompt reply.
>>> Greg
>>> w9gb
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