New experience:

My last pass of today for ANDE-2 had only 8 degrees max. elevation.
And - my station did still decode 2 packets from Pollux !

During the day, with the higher elevation passes, RF link was not
alway much better (read, I just get normally a few more packets)

This is the same as yesterday and same as with the ANDE-1 mission;
low elevation passes sometimes give very good quality RF links.

17:01:57 !POLLUX-1>TELEM>CQ:SYST 257895 0 0 33 0 0021 1818 0052 1668 002e 16b8 
013c 1390 0161 11f0 ffff ffff 0156 08d2
0fbe 003a
17:05:15 !POLLUX-1>TELEM>CQ:SYST 258093 0 0 33 0 000e 1958 01ac 1788 0020 17a8 
0011 1420 0007 1310 ffff ffff 0156 08d2
0fbe 003a

Keplerset looks OK, as start/stop times of hearing the sats match the
predicted passes. I can hear Pollux from/till 1 degree elevation.
(hear is not the same as decode :-))


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