The short version is,  if you, a US person (in the broad definition),  
talk to or write or transfer information or hardware to non US nationals 
about things in a satellite system which helps them in anyway do 
satellite work, and I do mean in almost any way,  this is a "deemed 
export" and requires an export license under the ITAR rules.  To not get 
this export license is a violation of federal statutes with truly 
onerous possible penalties.

Many of us have been told by lawyers that we have paid entirely too much 
money to (out of necessity) that it is simply not possible to follow the 
rules to the letter if you are going to do this kind of business with 
non US nationals.  What you need is a worked out plan that State Dep. 
puts a stamp of approval on as being "close enough" and this is called a 
TAA, technical assistance agreement. 

I hope from this simplified version you can see just how it is utterly 
impossible as an individual to figure this out and to talk to your ham 
buddies outside the US about satellite matters without violating the 
rules.  It is the single worst set of prohibition crap since banning of 
Alcohol.  You have foreign nationals to the US who want technology (the 
Al Capones) and you have the rum runners here (the poor slobs who want 
to do business or conduct intellectual exchange) and we are all 
potential criminals.  A big difference is the Al Capones are non US 
citizens and cannot be subjected to our silly laws and put in prison for 
income tax evasion.  In fact, they just say and have said, screw you and 
gone and done their own thing, including build up of really good 
competitive satellite and space systems.   The single worst feature of 
ITAR and the technical assistance agreement is the imposition of our 
laws on non US persons in order to work with us.  Not many organizations 
or individuals are willing to say yes to this stupidity.  For many of us 
here in the US, we have given up until somebody with some sanity changes 
things since many of us just have entirely too much at stake to risk.

AMSAT-NA is trying its best to fix our internal problems but I would not 
blame any non_US entity who said "Nuts" to working with us under these 
rules.  They just have to be changed at a minimum for educational 
institutions and 501c3 like AMSAT-NA who have no interest whatsoever in 
selling things for a profit.  Under no uncertain terms in my opinion, 
over the long term, these rules have damaged US interests much more 
severely than transfer of technology (inadvertent or intentional).  But 
the problem I care most about fixing is not being able to have an 
informal talk about amateur satellite service matters with my overseas 
friends where NO ONE has bad intent.


Jim Jerzycke wrote:
> Wikipedia has a good overview of what ITAR encompasses.
> Jim  KQ6EA
> --- On Sun, 8/2/09, Dave Marthouse <> wrote:
> From: Dave Marthouse <>
> Subject: [amsat-bb]  Question Re: Itar
> To:
> Date: Sunday, August 2, 2009, 3:42 PM
> I have been reading the messages regarding the Indian heo satellite.  What 
> exactly are the Itar rules?  Please fill me in.
> Dave Marthouse N2AAM 
> _______________________________________________

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