Jerry  I dont think you stepped into anything.

Look two points

First it would be easy to deflect the questions I (and others) have raised 
about suitsat or suitsat 2 by simply answering the questions.  Someone must 
know what the total cost on suitsat 1 were, someone must have (I assume) run a 
failure analysis and figured otu what went wrong (or what the candidates 

But when the answers turn out to be "well if you wanted to be productive you 
wouldnt ask these questions" then  sorry 3 decades of volunteering, 
professional aviation/aerospace, and raising kids tell me that there are no 
good answers.

Amsat is declining as an organization, some of it is how times change and other 
parts of it is that the BOD and others are not adapting to the changing times 
(or are in it to serve themselves).

second and just as an aside.  I really dont care much for "the silent 
majority".  It was J. Bartlett delegate from NH who when signing the DOI said 
"Decisions are made by those who show up".   The silent majority is generally 
the most useless group of people ie they wont make their voices heard and are 
just like cows.

It was "the silent majority" who allowed Columbia to go up in a ball of flame, 
people who would, in the halls voice a lot of concern but when it came time to 
tell the powers that be, who had already said "things were fine"...well they 
were the silent majority.

One of the proudest moments in my life was when my father in law, a retired 
Navy Four star stood up and said going to Iraq was the dumbest thing he had 
ever heard of.  That was pre boots on the ground.  He was pilloried but in the 
end, he was correct.

Take care and thanks for your thoughts

Robert WB5MZO

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