On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Joseph Armbruster
<josepharmbrus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew,
> Is there any type of document around that provides a brief summary of all
> current Amsat projects and the type of funding / support that is needed for
> each?
> This was my first time at the symposium and I haven't made it through all
> the pamphlets and papers yet, so forgive me if this was part of the package.
> Joe


if a gross estimate of $200,000 is needed for a stand-alone cubesat
form mission, and there are "... about half are life-members..." of
the 3,800 (re: Martha's estimate) of amsat-na members, that means that
the average per capita support required from these active amsat-na
members would be: $200,000 divided by (50% of 3800)  = $200,000 / 1900
= $263 or so.

If $263 is a difficult amount to pay up front, then think of it in 24
monthly installments: $10 each month - not bad for a hobby compared to
the price of a decent lunch at Burger King, KFC, Subway etc. The one
thing I would need to know is this extra donation tax-exempt or not
and would we get a receipt for it in time for U.S. taxes ?

I am willing to pay a bit more than that as my own donation soon for
supporting AMSAT-NA sponsored R&D.


> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Andrew Glasbrenner <
> glasbren...@mindspring.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the vote of confidence Jeff. I'll repeat what Bill said; this
>> was a tough decision, but based on reality and part of a larger plan
>> forward. We are also working multiple rideshare opportunities, most of
>> which will likely involve transponders rather than repeaters.
>> What we really need now is to raise the money we need to start design
>> and construction, and get a launch contract in the works. The 1U cubesat
>> is going to be a short fuse project if we can get the funding raised
>> soon enough.
>> Barry's presentation at the annual meeting lays out the level of funds
>> we need, approximately 100k this year and again next year, to support
>> the 1U, and one or more rideshares. Our membership dues only cover
>> keeping AMSAT alive and running the office, journal, webstore, etc.
>> Who'll be among the first to step up and pledge to support this project
>> via the President's Club or other donations? Call Martha today at 1 888
>> 322 6728 or donate via
>> http://www.amsat-na.com/store/category.php?c=President%27s%20Club
>> 73, Drew KO4MA
>> Jeff Davis wrote:
>> > I want to offer 'hearty congratulations' to the BOD for the courageous
>> > decisions made at the recent Space Symposium. I can think of no
>> > headline more appropriate and welcome for this organization than the
>> > declaration, "We're going back to space".
>> >
>> > Perhaps this decision to move forward with what we can do will also be
>> > what was needed to get the manufacturers to quit sitting on their
>> > hands and INNOVATE!
>> >
>> > How many threads have been spawned on this BB by someone asking the
>> > question "what handheld should I buy to use AO-51"..?
>> >
>> > The fact that the pat answer is that there aren't any - you need to
>> > check eBay for a 20 year-old model speaks pitifully of the ham radio
>> > marketplace in the 21st century.
>> >
>> > Given the nature of LEO, portable operations are very common and going
>> > forward, will be even more so. Who among us wouldn't love a mobile
>> > sized transceiver that sported true simultaneous dual-band (VHF/UHF)
>> > operation and a continuously tunable VFO on FM in a 'satellite
>> > operation mode'?
>> >
>> > What would it be worth if that radio also could record all pass data -
>> > and had a USB port that supported a memory stick so that everything
>> > received during a pass could stored on it for offline extraction and
>> > study later when you're back in the shack. It wouldn't even require an
>> > internal TNC to download telemetry data - the audio file could simply
>> > be played back (offline) on a PC and the telemetry decoded there.
>> >
>> > There are bound to be hundreds of similar ideas and dreams of new
>> > gear, antennas, and interesting things to do at LEO - let's populate
>> > the BB with these sorts of things and look forward, not back.
>> >
>> > I'm more than ready to turn to a new chapter and get back to shaping
>> > the future of ham radio in space.
>> >
>> > Aren't you?
>> >
>> > 73 de Jeff, KE9V
>> > AMSAT-NA 28350
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>> > Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
>> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
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>> >
>> >
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