There has been some discussion on how to determine
when a bird will be in view over an extended period
of time.  You really don't need a pocket computer
or laptop to carry around to do this.  Just simply
print out the pass predictions using SatPC32 sold by
AMSAT and written by DK1TB who has donated the program

There are two accessory programs included in SatPC32.
The first is called WinAOS and it will make predictions
for multiple birds of your choosing over a 10+ day period
of your choosing.  Print out the results and keep them in
your vehicle. You'll have AOS/LOS times and AOS/LOS azimuths
plus max elevation and visible time.  This is plenty of info
to allow you to work a bird with a handheld antenna.  Just
watch the time and move the antenna accordingly.

WinAos   QTH: -81.7/41.3   T#: 11616   Sat.: 5 [Standard]
      Day     Object       AOS (U) LOS Period maxEl   AZ
  21.10.2009  VO-52        00:18 00:23    05   02  076 - 024
  21.10.2009  AO-07        00:36 00:57    21   39  187 - 338
  21.10.2009  AO-51        00:41 00:48    07   04  244 - 310
  21.10.2009  VO-52        01:50 02:02    12   39  147 - 355
  21.10.2009  AO-07        02:37 02:45    08   02  259 - 306
  21.10.2009  SO-50        03:06 03:14    08   05  140 - 066
  21.10.2009  VO-52        03:27 03:38    11   17  208 - 333
  21.10.2009  SO-50        04:43 04:57    14   57  201 - 037
  21.10.2009  AO-27        06:02 06:09    07   04  053 - 118
  21.10.2009  SO-50        06:25 06:38    13   21  251 - 026
  21.10.2009  AO-27        07:39 07:53    14   51  018 - 182

The other program that comes with SatPC32 is WinListen.  This
program will give you satellite visibility at various intervals
throughout the pass.  It has a two-observer feature which allows
you to enter two grids and find the mutual window on a particular
satellite.  Here's an example between Ohio and Scotland on AO-51
at 20 second intervals.

WinListen 8.0 [AO-51]  T#:11616  QTH1: -81.7/41.3  QTH2: -8.4/52.3
     Day      Time(U)   Az1 El1  Az2 El2   MA   Height  Lon/Lat   Orbit
21.10.2009   09:29:00   59   0  279   3   19.7    711  314  50   27911
21.10.2009   09:29:20   61   1  277   2   20.5    712  314  49   27911
21.10.2009   09:29:40   64   1  275   1   21.4    712  313  48   27911
21.10.2009   09:30:00   67   1  272   1   22.2    712  313  46   27911

I use this program to set up schedules when the likelihood of a "window"
is remote.

These two programs are selected under the "Programs" link in the
SatPC32 toolbar.

John K8YSE

Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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