AO-7 just finished her first pass over North America as a 35-year-old. She is 
in Mode A tonight, and appears to be working well. I called CQ in CW for about 
10 minutes, and one station tried to answer me.

That operator sent the letters F and I in CW, but there were long tones, too, 
that suggested some kind of keying problem. If you are that operator, you were 
a solid 579 into EM84, and I was using an end-fed longwire not very high up as 
my receive antenna on the 10 meter downlink.

AO-7 should switch over to Mode B in about 4 hours. I hope to hear many folks 
celebrating her 160,000+ orbits of service to the amateur satellite community 
beginning in the morning.

73 to all, and Happy 35th to AO-7,

Tim - N3TL
Athens, Ga. - EM84ha
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