My profound thanks to John. K8YSE, for posting the recordings he's made of 
SO-67 passes over North America. His most recent recording, which he began at 
15:00:38 UTC, provides proof that - even amid the chaos of a pass like that one 
- very low power levels can work our amateur satellites. Anyone who listens to 
the recording will hear the weak-signal call of N3TL at 8:51 into the 
recording. I'm faint, but I'm in there ... on 50mW (.05 watt) from my Yaesu 
VX-7R HT and Elk dual-band log periodic antenna. 

KI0G surprised the heck out of me when I heard him call me several seconds 
later. When he did, I thought, "He must be calling me blind. There's no way I 
made it through on 50 milliwatts." No matter - I spent the rest of the pass 
transmitting QSLs for our contact, but K8YSE's recording shows that I didn't 
make it back into the satellite before he (K8YSE) left the footprint. If 
someone farther south has a recording that includes me QSLing Bob, KI0G, by all 
means please email me a copy.

My signal made it into SO-67 beginning at 15:09:29 UTC and ending at 15:09:30 
UTC. According to Orbitron, SO-67 was pretty much right at the intersection of 
30 degrees north x 90 degrees west, or right on top of the 4-grid boundary of 
EM40, EM50, EL49, EL59. She was at a range of 882.050 kilometers (548.0805 
miles) to my handheld station in EM84 at 15:09:30 UTC. Based on those 
distances, my power level translates to 17,641 kilometers (10,961.61 miles) per 
watt. Given how busy SO-67 has been over North America the past two weekends, 
I'll take that!

During that pass, I tried to time my transmissions based on Mr. Cresswell's 
posts to the BB on 14 November about the two passes he worked and observed that 
day over New Zealand. Specifically, I listened for people to immediately return 
calls, then have their signal drop out when the satellite's tail dropped out. 
When that happened, I transmitted - and on at least one occasion that K8YSE 
captured in his recording, flea power found its way to our newest amateur 

Thank you, everyone at AMSAT-SA, for building, launching and orbiting SO-67. 
She is a wonderful addition to the fleet, and one I'm proud to have worked on 

73 to all,

Tim - N3TL
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