Pretty cool stuff. Probably the most expensive dual bander
ever installed. Neat watching it also. They are routing the coax now.


Graham Shirville wrote:
> Hi All,.
> Just so you don't miss the excitement - it is actually about to take place - 
> the EVA-2 will commence today Saturday at 1338UTC!
> Already we have seen shots of the "earth facing - underside" of the Columbus 
> module where the two L/S ARISS band antennas that were installed before 
> launch are quite clearly visible.
> best 73
> Graham G3VZV
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Louis McFadin" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:42 AM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] New Ham antenna to be installed on the ISS 
> Columbusmodule tomorrow
>> There hasn't been much said on the various news outlets about the
>> second ISS EVA tomorrow morning at 07:30 AM EST 12:30 UTC. During that
>> EVA the first task is to install two antennas on the Columbus Module.
>> One is for an experiment for the European Space Agency and the other
>> is a dual band 2m/70CM antenna for ARISS (Amateur Radio on ISS) very
>> similar to the antennas already on the Russian service module.
>> If you have any way to watch, I am sure it will be exciting for any
>> ham to watch.
>> This is an example of what can be achieved by volunteer hams working
>> closely with a space agency.
>> This antenna project was funded entirely by AMSAT-NA and volunteers
>> who built the antennas for both the experiment and for ARISS.
>> That's not to take away from the tremendous contribution from ESA for
>> the experiment, the launch and the EVA. I have no idea what that cost
>> but you can be assured it was a lot more than the cost of the antennas.
>> Once the antennas are in place we will be working to bring amateur
>> radio to the Columbus module.
>> I am very proud of all the teamwork and effort that has gone into this
>> project.
>> Lou McFadin
>> W5DID
>> ARISS US Hardware manager
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