At 04:12 PM 12/17/2009, you wrote:
>Hi Everybody,
>After a 15 year hiatus from being an active satellite operator, I am in the

Hi Doug,

Wow! It has been a long time...nice to see your smiling face here again..

Doug, I use PC32, and not sure there is a better one around...I work 
just the cw/ssb birds, and keeps my IC-910 smack on freq., but I 
rarely find a cw around anymore, but the ssber's are a fine group as before.
And the tracking will keep any gain antenna you can swing right on target....

AMSAT has on sale, but believe you can still get a freebee to test 
it....The free just won't retain settings, but 10 to 1, you'll buy...

I see you changed your cs again!!

Again, nice to hear from you, and I'll bet again you'll hear from a 
bunch of the old fogies like me!!

Very best holiday season to all your family from me and Leanore...

            73, Dave, WB6LLO

                    Disagree: I learn....

               Pulling for P3E... 

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