Thank you,

I want to extend my appreciation for the stations that made my Satellite
Demonstration, of AO-27, at 18:50 today an exciting success using the
special event call sign of  W2V.  If you would like a special event QSL
card, please send your information to

 I gave an earlier satellite presentation on How to get into space with an
HT.  I had over 43 interested Amateur Enthusiasts that attended the talk, we
all had a great time.   I want to thank Clint K6LCS, for his ideas on how to
excite a group, Tim N3TL for sharing his 2008 Symposium presentation, that
highlighted how you can be successful with a handheld and 400 milliwatt's.
Pat WD9EWK, who has put his informative slides on the AMSAT Fieldops section
and his e-mails to me on how to make a solid presentation.   The feedback
from the attendees was very rewarding, they took away a feeling that making
satellite contacts is not as difficult or expensive as they thought.  I
could not have done it without your help guys and the knowledge shared on
this BB, thank you.

Pete, WB2OQQ
AMSAT NY Area Coordinator

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