Clint...being on a listening tour and doing the will of the people are two 
different items.  

I have no doubt that any elected representative you have takes your calls, 
emails...etc...that is different from responding to them by actually voting 
that way.

Amsat is an organization that has produced very little of value in terms of 
working satellites in a long time

Robert WB5MZO  life member

> From:
> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 17:16:18 -0800
> To:
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Board
> >> ... The AMSAT BOD is more or less acting, in my view, like our politicians 
> >> in Washington ie once they are elected they are to busy to listen to the 
> >> people who make up the group ...
> Your membership experience in AMSAT - and in our democracy - is way different 
> than mine.
> I send an email on an issue to an AMSAT board member, and I receive a written 
> reply in a reasonable amount of time. EVERY time.
> I pick up the telephone and get right through to the legislative aide I know 
> at my US Senator's office - 45 hours a week, any time.
> For local issues, I can speak with either of two assistants to my county 
> supervisor during the week. I have the home phone number of one of them.
> These entities are not "too busy to listen" to me. 
> Developing effective communication skills may be a key in how effective one's 
> message is. And if that message contains what the AMSAT BOD has identified as 
> objectionable (" ... Illegal ...  Insulting, abusive, harassing, or 
> threatening ... Knowingly false or misrepresentative ... " ) then that 
> messenger needs to clean up his/her act.
> Clint Bradfiord, K6LCS
> AMSAT area coordinator, AMSAT benefactor
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