
I would love to work you.  Our windows are very short and not very often.  Let 
me know the birds and I will check the window and email you back right a way.


Dave, kn4ok

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Engele <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 1, 2010 3:03 pm
Subject: [amsat-bb] AA5UK/KH6 Update >>> Where is everybody?

I know we have had some atmospheric issues that have made recent passes 
ifficult at best. I am still trying to help a few of you on some low angle 
asses to get KH6 into your logs.
Having said that I am seeing very little activity on the SSB satellites. Last 
ight I again worked several satellites and all I heard was my own voice calling 
Q during every pass. Today I worked three passes FO29, VU52 and HO28. I only 
ad one CONUS operator and one KH6 contact on HO28. Very disappointing.
So either there is little interest in KH6 or there are timing issues. I am not 
ure why there is so little participation.
 will look at the coming passes until April 4th which will most likely be the 
ast day I operate from Kauai. If I don't start hearing more operators I will 
hut down early and work on enjoying my vacation.
Again sorry for another rant session but the lack of activity frankly puzzles 
fter all the emails and sked requests that I have received over the last 6 
eeks. Those operators that have worked me will be the few to get a KH6 card 
nce the log is checked and I go to the printers.
Remember "If it was easy, we would all be doing it", under the conditions I 
een working under: wind, rain and heavy QRN it has been very challenging these 
ast few days. 
Aloha from AA5UK/KH6
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