I went home for a "lunch break" and was able to copy them on CW (but
not SSB) with the following:

M2 440-18 (an 11' vertical/linear antenna that claims 14.5 dBd)
ARR MSP432VDG-160 preamp (claims 0.55 dB NF)
TS-2000X radio, CW mode, filter width betwen 600Hz and 200Hz

It wasn't arm-chair copy, but after nudging the array around a bit, I
could make out characters and their call.  Didn't try to listen to
anybody else (assuming they would quite a bit lower).

The moon was around 67 deg elevation, right in the small "hole" of the
forest canopy growing at my home :)

Anyhow, it was fun, and given their low output, will be fun to listen
tomorrow with a repaired amp!


Mark N8MH

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Bill Dzurilla <billdz....@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm at work and not QRV, but I had no problem copying them with a single 12 
> el. yagi leaned again the chair when they did the test a couple of weeks ago, 
> and most everyone else gave them good reports.  At the time, they were 
> running 50w, a barefoot Kenwood TS-2000.  They must have changed rigs if now 
> they only have 20w.  And something else must be wrong, because even folks 
> with big antennas are having trouble copying them (more so than the 50w vs. 
> 20w would suggest).
> There's a live feed at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kp4ao-eme
> Good luck and 73,
> Bill NZ5N
>> From: Sebastian <w...@bellsouth.net>
>> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo
>> To: "Mark L.Hammond" <marklhamm...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: AMSAT BB <AMSAT-BB@amsat.org>
>> Message-ID: <4141f900-265d-4987-b3be-59b3834be...@bellsouth.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;
>> charset=us-ascii
>> I can hear very faint CW from them.
>> I'm surprised as I have just a single yagi, and apparently
>> their amp isn't working.
>> 73 de W4AS
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Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]

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