>The Satellite Handbook was updated, I think last year, and was put 
>together by Steve Ford. I have a copy but I still refer to the 
>Martin Davidoff originals!

Yes, Marty certainly put it together, but all we had was 20 meters 
when I got started on O6 & O7.  And with O7 our "nets" cemented it 
for a lot of us..And little time was wasted gabbing the way we do on 
here today!!!

>>Keep it up, Jimmy...It may seem daunting at first, but it is really
>>very simple...
>>A good place to start is the Satellite Handbook from ARRL..It IS
>>dated, but the info there will get you started...
>>Newbie questions are welcome here, of course....just ask...
>>              73, Dave, WB6LLO
>>                  dguim...@san.rr.com
>>                      Disagree: I learn....
>>                 Pulling for P3E...
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            73, Dave, WB6LLO

                    Disagree: I learn....

               Pulling for P3E... 

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