>> ... Doppler always will have a more pronounced effect (in relative terms, of 
>> course, based on the frequencies being used) on the higher of the two ...

Here's the actual equation for determining Doppler shift ...


Your generalization is correct. On a 45 degree pass of a sat that's in a 
circular orbit at 497 miles up, approximate Doppler shifts calculate to ...

At 15m, +/- 477 Hz
At 10m, +/- 659 Hz
At 2m, +/- 3.27 kHz
At 70cm, +/- 9.76 kHz
At 23cm, +/- 28.5 kHz
at 13cm, +/- 53.8 kHz

Clint, K6LCS
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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